
It is in the darkness of the wee hours before dawn when I lay here and ask life's bigger questions, what comes up for me in the depth of my soul searching is; What is intimacy? It is something every human being longs for, a closeness, warmth, rapport and togetherness the dictionary says. But what comes up for me when I ask myself this question is; when one can drop the disguise, to be real with who you are in both your glory and imperfection, an acceptance, being naked to your truest feeling and having the courage to touch those feelings inside yourself. It is the soil where the seeds of unconditional love can grow and also be watered. It is looking at yourself or another with an openness and tenderness that the wounding of the soul can be touched, and healed without the guilt, shame or blame. But more with the realization that human conditioning is a process to be peeled away so we can look into the mirror of the soul. We first learn to do this with ourselves and when we can do this with another this is what I call love. Image is from my flower press. Raylenea


  1. Intimacy is Ā very appropriate image to accompany this Magical Tale and Special Day 🙌


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