Aphrodite Tales

The Lessons of Aphrodite
Aphrodite, born from the salty ocean foam, rides the waves on her magical oyster shell. She surfs the changing tides of her emotional love life with wisdom. She is a beautiful femme fatale who is the mistress of the dating game. She bears six power tools, six also being her sacred number. The Three Way Oyster Shell Her oyster shell is symbolic of the sweetness of her sexuality. But at last it has grains of sand that represent the irritations that exist in all human love relationships. There are three aspect of the oyster shell. Some oysters are so afraid to open up sexually that even the smallest grain of sand cannot penetrate their shell. This is the woman who is afraid of sexual love and the hurt it may cause her heart. If she is always closed to sexual relationship, she will never taste the bittersweet fruit of love and will remain in life without the experiences of loving and being loved. The second type of oyster shell the Aphrodite woman stands upon is the one full of sand. The irritations of relationship, the heartbreak and imperfection we find in intimate relationships have not been transformed into wisdom. This Aphrodite type maybe in relationship but does not have the tools to transform relationship problems into relationship wisdom. With the third type of oyster shell, the Aphrodite woman holds the pearls that once were sands of irritation but now have been transformed into loving wisdom from the depths of her experiences. These pearls are not won easily. Mending her broken heart and dreams has created them. They have been cultivated by her losses or gains in intimate relationships. Aphrodite’s Two-Way Mirror Aphrodite’s two-way mirror looks at her intimate relationship as a reflection of her own conscious mind and also her unconscious mind. When Aphrodite looks into this mirror it does not only reflect her beauty but also the shadows of her unconsciousness. She looks into her beloved’s eyes and realizes that the man she has attracted is a reflection of her thoughts - consciousness and unconsciousness - of how she sees men. When she looks even deeper into the mirror of her relationship she will see similar traits that are in her own personality that her beloved will reflect back to her. The "I" and "You” of the relationship disappear. Aphrodite’s Comb If Aphrodite does not like what she sees in her two-way mirror it is time to use her magical comb. She combs out the psychic knots from her mind. These knots are the unconscious mind that has accepted negative impressions from her childhood or past relationships patterns. As Aphrodite disentangles from her past patterns, she is able to see clearly how she has accepted certain moods of relationship behavior as reality. She begins to realize that these past patterns have helped create the reality of her relationship. The Three Keys of Aphrodite The Three Keys of Aphrodite are used for picking right relationship. The first key that opens the door to right relationship is “Does he see me for who I truly am?” A couple needs to see each other, down to their fundamental core. If they don't, then you find yourself in a relationship where a person will project what they want you to be rather then accepting you for who you really are. When this key is not in a relationship one can even be married for many years and feel very lonely, for they are not seen. The Second Key of Aphrodite is the Key of Love. There needs to be great love between people in an intimate relationship. When a couple can see each other and have great love this is the beginning of a good relationship. But even with great love this is not enough because life can become difficult and love is not always enough to bring a couple over the seas of troubled water. The Third Key of Aphrodite is the Key of Compatibility. Even with great love and seeing each other if compatibility is not there, a relationship will become difficult. A couple will need compatibility down on the personality level to live with each other on a day-to-day level. These three keys helps Aphrodite unlock the door to a good relationship rather then having many closed doors between her and the wrong relationship. The Magical Girdle of Aphrodite The Magical Girdle of Aphrodite is made from pearls and shells. She wears it around her waist. This is the Girdle of Discernment. She knows when to take it off and when to buckle it up. The Girdle gives Aphrodite the power of discernment, knowing when to become sexually involved with a man and when not to. Every relationship has a price: she learns to read the price tag before she buys into any relationship. She uses both her heart and mind together to make her decisions. The Sacred Doves of Aphrodite The Sacred Doves that fly over Aphrodite’s head represent the promise of Sacred Relationship. Sacred Relationship is when two souls come together that are committed not only to their relationship but also committed to doing the spiritual work. The relationship is used as a vehicle to awakening. One has to prepare before having a Sacred Relationship. A certain amount of spiritual work will have to be done on oneself before entering this type of relationship. Each individual will be anchored in his or her own spiritual core. When a Sacred Couple come together they will experience transforming spiritual experiences that will bring heightened awareness to each other. Their love will be a springboard into Divine Consciousness. The relationship will birth creations of light. These creations will bring upliftment to humanity. The more people there are on the planet in this type of relationship, the more will there be a balance between male and female. When enough Sacred Relationships have been activated they will act as a wave of transformation that will affect humanity as a whole. The Healing Bath of Aphrodite This bath can be used to heal your self-image and find the inner beauty within yourself. Many times when we do not like certain parts of our body, our minds will register this information with the very cells of our physical structure. This bath will address these issues. During ancient times in the Temples of the Goddess bathing was a sacred rite and used to not only bring beauty but also healing. Ingredients: 2 cups of roses, dried or fresh petals, a large rose quartz, 2 cups of sea salt and four pink candles. Prepare your bath and light the four pink candles on the 4 corners of the bathtub. Now place the rose petals in the bathtub with the salt and your rose quartz. Enter the tub and begin to relax. Now it is time for the meditation. Bring your mind down to your feet and repeat the whisper the words to your feet: “These are the feet of Aphrodite. May they be blessed with beauty. Now bring your mind to your calves and whisper: “These are the calves of Aphrodite. May they be blessed with beauty.” You repeat this process with every body part, which includes your sexual parts. Repeat this phrase to all the parts of your body until you come to your face. When you come to your face say: “ These are the eyes of Aphrodite. May they shine with beauty.” “This is the mouth of Aphrodite. May my words be filled with beauty” Now just relax. When you are ready get out of the tub, dry off and just silently rest for a few minutes, absorbing the healing. Clean your tub after you have rested, not before. The more you work with this meditation you will find that you can move through your whole body in about 7 minutes. I like to suggest the Aphrodite Beauty Meditation even when you are not taking a bath. You can do it before falling at asleep at night. If you do this meditation every day for three months it will reprogram your mind and body and how you feel about yourself. You will also start seeing changes in your life of how other people look at you. You will magnetize beauty in your life.
