Eleanor of Aquitaine Courts of Love

Eleanor of Aquitaine and her daughter Marie de Champagne established Courtly Love in France during the 12th century. Marie de Champagne with the help of Andreas Capellanus established the code of Courtly Love in the writing of the book “De Amore” Eleanor of Aquitaine served both as the Queen of France with Louie VII and later the Queen of England with Henry II. Eleanor is considered one of the most influential women in Medieval Europe. Marie de Champagne was the daughter of Eleanor and Louie VII. Both women were from the blood-line of the Merovingian Kings of France. This lineage is associated with rumors of being the off-spring of Christ and Mary Magdalene. All material is the copyrights of Raylene Abbott. Recently I found that I am a direct great grandaughter of Eleanor of Aquitaine of my Bloodline, which explains a lot about me. This is the Code of Chivalry written between 1098-1100 The Code of Chivalry The Song of Roland To fear God and maintain His Church
To serve the lord in valour and faith. 
To protect the weak and defenceless.
To give succour to widows and orphans. 
To refrain from the wanton giving of offence. 
To live by honour and for glory. 
To despise pecuniary reward
. To fight for the welfare of all
. To obey those placed in authority
. ( I do not do this one well.) To guard the honor fellow knights. 
To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit. To keep faith. 
At all times to speak the truth. 
To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun. 
To respect the honour of women. 
Never to refuse a challenge from an equal. 
Never to turn the back upon a foe.
