Singing Stones Tear Drops from Heaven
When the Great Creator was making the Earth there were twelve curious angels who could not wait to see the destiny of this brand new planet. They decided to go to the Book of Life, where all things are written and read ahead, to see what God's plan was. They read about the waters and the making of the herbs, trees, and plant life. They came to the part where God put all different types of creatures on the Earth...the fish, the four-legged, the winged ones and all the creepy-crawlies. The angels thought to themselves, "What a blessed place this will be and how perfect is God's Creation.
The angels came to the part about the creation of humans and God giving them the job of being caretakers of all the beautiful things on Earth. "What a grand job that would be." One of the angels said.
Reading on in the Book of Life they saw that God honored humans even more by giving them free will. "This is the greatest gift that God could give humans," another angel said.
The angels started to read the history of humankind and became very sad when they saw how humans would misuse God's gift of free will. They became even sadder when they saw that humans would become full of hate, not only for their fellow humans, but they also would begin to feel they were far superior over all things in Creation.
The angels saw how humans mistreated the animals and was so full of greed that they took more than they needed from Mother Earth without ever saying Thank You. Humans felt separated from the Earth's plant life, waters, animals, even his own species. What a sad state of affairs Mother Earth was in.
The angels started to cry from all they had seen in the Book of Life. One angel asked "Why would humans want to turn their back on God's beautiful creation?" The angels could not understand why humans became so foolish. Tears welled up from the depths of their celestial bodies. The tear drops fell from heaven and seeped into the fertile soil just created by God. Each tear drop became a precious stone and locked in each stone was a secret from heaven. Each angel cried a different type of precious stone.
The Great Creator saw the twelve curious angels crying over the Book of Life and asked, "Why is my heavenly band crying?" The angels explained that they had read ahead in the Book to see what Earth would be like. The Great Creator hovering over the angels, said, "Fear not because out of all this, humans will someday realize their mistakes and return to me. You have helped already by adding your own gifts to Mother Earth." The angels looked up from their tears and saw that they had turned into precious stones. The Great Creator also shed tears for humanity and they became the most precious stones of all, so clear that as the sunlight shone through them while they fell to the Earth, they made rainbows. They sunk deep into the Earth's crust.
God's tears became all the diamonds of the Earth and the Angel's tears became twelve stones aquamarine, opal, bloodstone, turquoise, smokey quartz, moonstone, rose quartz, amber, amethyst, emerald, topaz, and sapphire, Locked within each stone was a lesson and a teaching of heaven. This is how it all began. We have arrived at the first Singing Stone.
It is AQUAMARINE, blue like brother ocean. We touch the stone and stare into it's depth. " I am the first Singing Stone. I am here to purify the material grossness from the soul. Humans have traveled the dusty roads of Earth Life to long and have fallen asleep in their wanderings. Human beings have accumulated worldly desires and feelings that are not in alignment with their soul's purpose. Bathe in my radiance. See your worldly self being shed like a skin from a snake, I am here to fine tune your body, heart and soul so you may receive the teaching of the Singing Stone circle. " I am Aquamarine.
BLOODSTONE is the next Singing Stone in the circle it has been known to be helpful for grounding and giving courage. It was used during the Middle Ages it was associated with the blood of Christ. This is Bloodstone's healing message: "Every person on Earth have ancestral memories locked within their DNA waiting to be un-covered. There are both the gifts and the negative patterns of your family lineage. It is up to each individual to become aware of your negative family patterns and transform them without cutting the flow of love towards your parental lineage. We can keep a space open in our heart for the precious " Gift of Life" our ancestors have given us, for this is the greatest gift a soul can receive. Contemplate what the gift of life is for you! But this does not mean we need to carry the old negative patterning our ancestors may have carried. Children learn from their elders prejudice, hate, and violence and disrespect towards our natural environment. It is up to each individual to transform their own lineage through their own awareness and love. I am Bloodstone."
MOONSTONE- Like our Mother the Moon Moonstone reflects her magic. I bring to you "Mirror like Wisdom" of reflection, when ones emotions and mind have become still. I am like the receptive qualities of the Divine Feminine. If you are a woman I will help you be in touch with your cycles and the rhythm of the Moon. All things here on Earth have an ebb and a tide learning to surf the waves of change and emotions are my speciality. I can teach you to be cool, calm and receptive to your NOW not fretting for the future or clinging to the past. I am Moon-stone and this is my message.
The Smokey Quartz is the dark crystal of the stone people. It can help one ground and move on from negative memories. It can be used to clear your environment from electromagnetic stress. Smokey Quartz speaks;
My shadowy exterior is my gift. Being a human being on Earth one begins to realize you can not run away from the lessons of both good and bad. One can find bad out of good and also the good out of bad. But often one is in the middle of the process and does not have the tools to see the lessons of life's experience. My shadowy exterior will help you move through your more difficult lessons without holding on to resentment or blame. I am Smokey Quartz and this is my message.
AMBER Moving through the circle you come to Amber which is actually fossilized resin from trees. The magic of nature and how to live in harmony with nature is this stone's message. I am here to open your eyes to the Nature Spirits behind all Natural Life on Mother Earth. Humans for too long have worked destructively with nature, talking no heed to the obvious signs that our Earth is crying out. It is High Time that humans Awaken to how one should work with the environment, with care and consideration and stop poisoning all forms of life, plants, animals, mineral, water and our very atmosphere before it becomes to late. "I am Amber and this is my message.
AMETHYST A royal stone among the crystals this is Amethyst message: "My original name came from the word amethustos which means to be sober. I come to you in a time that humanity needs to sober up from their destructive actions to the Earth and each other. Human leaders have become drunken on greed. They have stripped the Earth from their natural resources and have blown holes in the flesh of Mother Earth. The minerals and nutrients have been stripped from the soil leaving food worthless. The lungs of the planet, our forest, have been stripped with no thought for future generations to take in the breath of life. My purple color opens the individual to the possibilities of personal transformation that brings the cultivation of wisdom. We are in need for humans to transform their selves on a personal level to create the change and the Awareness that is needed at this time. I am Amethyst I bring transformation.
ROSE Quartz The soft pink color of Rose Quartz offers the Healing for the Heart. I am the heart opener, the heart softener, the developer of compassion. Though me you will find your ONENESS with all things. One of the biggest problems with the human race is their egos do not have inability to see when their ego is in charge. The ego is harden. It demands to be right. The ego only see the small picture for itself. Â But seeing through the eyes of the heart one can learn to soften their opinions. One can learn to love and accept their self, then it becomes easier to love others for who they are. It is deep in the heart center one can witness their life changes and choices. It is deep in the heart center one can soften and just be. I am Rose Quartz and this is my heart message.
Blue like the spacious skies TURQUOISE reveals its message;
I am a Spirit Stone worn by Ancient Kings, Tibetan Shamans, and the Native American Indians. I bring protection and healing. You will find me deep in the Earth but my blue color reflects the Sky. Living as humans on Earth one becomes weighted down by daily responsibilities, one forget to allow the mind to become spacious. True Creativity lives in the cracks of the mind where there is no thought. Wisdom and creative ideas self arises when one allows the thoughts to be like clouds that pass through the open sky of the mind. This is my gift and reminder of your True Origin in the Spirit World. I am Turquoise Golden Topaz brings light, joy and determination. It can help one overcome their limitations and still stay grounded in reality.
This is TOPAZ message; Humanity at this moment in history is facing the darkness before the dawn. These are challenging times! Many people are either facing emotional crisis, environment disasters or looking at their deepest fears. I am here to bring Light in the darkness and determination in the mist of hard work. I can recharge your body when you feel you cannot go on any further. I can shed forgiveness when you feel it will never be possible. These are my qualities but it is up to you to own these qualities and make the mental, emotional and physical adjustments to ground these qualities in your life. I am Topaz.
I am SAPPHIRE,I am the Spiritual Warrior of the Stone People. Ones greatest enemy is not on the outside. Ones greatest enemy is the parts of yourself that you are unwilling to look at and change. This is humanities BIG dilemma right now. Collectively, Humanity needs to change its political system and how we treat the natural environment. How different cultures, sub-cultures and religions are also treated. One needs to become nothing less then a Spiritual Warrior to accomplish this. Everyone has come to this Earth with soul gifts. When the time of one's own soul evolution is ripe, one's true purpose is discovered. This is what is beginning to happen right now on planet Earth. This is why we are seeing so much upheaval in the old structure of Life on Earth. Remember this when you are facing challenges. I will give you the strength, courage and faith to move forward.
You now enter the aura of the OPAL, white and iridescent, like our sister moon. As you move closer you see within the stone flickers and flames of fire! This is your teacher: I am the Sacred Fire, I bring warmth. I am used to cook your food and heat your homes. When I am used with respect, I can help purify through rites and rituals. But when misses in the hands of humans who still harbor hate and ignorance in their hearts, I become a threat to all nations and all of life. The splitting of the atom is the result of the misuse of the Sacred Fire. Fire-arms for war and killing is another example of the misuse of the Element of Fire. Learn to respect me. Bring me back into your rituals and prayers to help purify your heart and mind with good intentions and right alignment. Within me is the teaching of the Sacred Fire.
I am Opal.
EMERALDS help bring harmony into your relationships. It gives one appreciation for all of life. Emeralds can restore hope and help bring understanding and unconditional love into our learning process. This is Emeralds message:
My healing green color reflects the Abundance of Nature and can open you to the interconnectedness of the Web of Life. Mother Earth's natural process is ever flowing with abundance when Human-beings follow the Laws of Nature. But this is not what has happened in Humanity's present moment. The Earth is crying out at this time to be listened to! But she does not speak with the words. Mother Earth speaks through storms, drought, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions she has been trying to get our attention. But do not lose hope! Many on Earth are in the process of a great transformation. This is where the true power lives, deep inside your own heart, your own alignment and your own relationship with your environment and interactions with people. Listen to your heart. Heal the parts that are broken inside you and make the Great Alignment. This will help harmonize the obstacles we are all facing at this point in history. Become the mercy this world needs. Be the unconditional love beyond your personal heart ache. And we will join together as a Great Cluster of Crystals and this will bring the Wave of Awareness to bring about the Great Change.
I am Emerald.
The DIAMOND is the hardest and most brilliant of all the Singing Stones. This is Diamond message.
My beginnings are humble for I am created from a lump of dark coal. But with pressure and time I become the most precious of all stones. I maybe be a diamond in the rough but when I am cut in the Master's hand my facets become sparkling light. It is also this way for the soul's journey, through the pressure of life's numeral lessons our unconscious patterns become illuminated. So allow life's experiences cut and shape you allowing your light to shine through all circumstances and conditions. I am Diamond. The End written 1985 WOODSTOCK NEW YORK RAYLENE ABBOTT
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